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2024 TCAF: Community-The Little Seed’s Adventure— An Interactive Musical for Families 主要圖片

2024 TCAF: Community-The Little Seed’s Adventure— An Interactive Musical for Families

2024-07-30 - 2024-08-01

The super playful little seed, Seed, grows up in the world of games, honing numerous abilities for outdoor adventures. One day, he scales the tallest tree, rides the wind across the ocean, and arrives at the magical forest, where he encounters a monster with big eyes yet poor vision, incredibly sharp hearing despite small ears… What other fascinating events will unfold on this journey?

Cast & Creative
Company: Wei-Ling Chen
Actor (Seed): Chen Yu-Ching
Actor (Ali): Chen Wei-Ling
Actor (Violinist): Chang Tze-Wei
Commissioned by The Happy Singing Creative Parenting Limited

◎ Moro Info: www.music-ali.com
◎ Facebook: musicaliii
◎ Instagram: ali.play.music

Organizer: Taipei City Government
Implemeter: Taipei Performing Arts Center