7.01(Mon.)12:00 TPAC Member pre-sale
7.08(Mon.)12:00 General Sale
Flying Group Theatre: The Desperado of LongSing Street
Based on Chien-Tsang Hung's life experience, it's a play about disappearance and seeking.
The desperado is Hung's father, who used to have a small factory manufacturing motor cases and then went bankrupt. LongSing Street is where Hung grew up and also where his father ran away due to his debts.
Under the pressure of facing the creditors, Hung needs to go out to find him. Through different objects, Hung reassembles the image of his missing father and rebuilds the era he belonged to 一 an era when Taiwan Economic Miracle started and ended.
In the end, the desperado dies, and Hung can never find him. What the son can retrieve are the objects his father leaves behind 一the debris of time.
◎ Suggested Age 15+ Years Old.
◎ In Mandarin with Chinese and English surtitles.
◎ Latecomers will not be admitted.

LIU, I-Ling: '… and, or…'
‘… and, or…’ is a 20-minute music-free duet dance piece. Choreographer LIU I-Ling extends the idea of conditions in logical proposition to other aspects in life. The work explores the conditions and choices necessary for establishing relationships. In different contexts, changes in conditions can have varying impacts on relationships, so as on dance. Texture and rhythm of movements, positions on stage and distances between dancers can also alter the dancers’ dynamic and the audience's perception of their relationship. This piece showcases the equality of relationships, the shifts of power, and the dialectics of cooperation. Music-free performance draws audiences more intently on the dancers' bodies, breathing, and center of gravity, brings them back to the authentic dance itself.
As the winner of the Jury Prize of 2022 Yokohama Dance Collection, LIU receives acclaim from the jury panel ‘…whose delicate, sharp movements supported by tranquil choreography and advanced technique exuded a physical drama (drama of the senses) that could not be verbalized’. ‘… and, or…’had more than 20 shows in Off Avignon Festival in 2023 and continues its tour now.
◎ Suggested Age 6+ Years Old.
◎ No language with no surtitles.
◎ Latecomers will not be admitted.

Flying Group Theatre: The Desperado of LongSing Street
Producer|Chuang Weslee
Dramaturge|Chow Ling-chih, Hung Chien-han
Text|Zhan Jie
Performer|Hong Chien-tsang & Objects
Executive Director|Lin Qi-shan
Set Design|Cheng Hsuan-hsun
Sound Design|Iggy Hung
LIU, I-Ling: '… and, or…'
Choreographer|Liu I-ling
Dancers|Lin Jyun-yi, Hong Wei-ting
Rehearsal Assistant|Chou Ai-Hsuan
Light Design|Lo Yin-yi
Costume Design|Yang Yu-de
Light Executor|Shyue Joanne
Promoter|Wang Hsu-ping(Mina)