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Curating (for) Art Ecosystems in Flux II

Date/Time: Sunday, 25 August 2024, 18:00-19:30

Venue: 11F Studio 1, Taipei Performing Arts Center

Moderator: River Lin

Speaker: Low Kee Hong, Rucera Seethal (*listed in alphabetical order of the last name.)

Language: In English with simultaneous interpretation in Mandarin

Sign up: Online Registration


What do curators do for today’s art world while acknowledging the past and the emerging voice and bodies that have woven where we stand and work with as cultural practitioners? In the Curatoké: Performance Curators Academy, in collaboration with National Culture and Arts Foundation, Daniel Blanga Gubbay (Artistic Co-director, Kunstenfestivaldesarts), Jeff Khan (Creative Director, Asia TOPA), Nayse López (Artistic Director, Panorama Festival), Low Kee Hong (Creative Director, Factory International), Rucera Seethal (Artistic Director, National Arts Festival South Africa), and Faith Tan (Director, Programming, Esplanade - Theatres on the Bay, Singapore) (listed in alphabetical order of the last name) have been invited as mentors to work with 8 young curators from Taiwan, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Australia and Estonia together look at issues and the unknown that shape the art ecosystems of curatorial culture. In this public talk, they will be featuring knowledge and experiences of their curatorial practices for and with the art ecosystems in flux.


Low Kee Hong, Singapore

Low Kee Hong is Creative Director at Factory International, housed in their new home, the landmark cultural venue Aviva Studios in the heart of Manchester, United Kingdom.

Kee Hong oversees the Curatorial team at Factory International and alongside John McGrath, the organisation’s Artistic Director & Chief Executive, works to develop the artistic programme for Factory International and Manchester International Festival (MIF) and will lead on the Festival’s programme from 2025 onwards.

Appointed to the role in early 2022, Kee Hong was previously Head of Theatre, Performing Arts at the West Kowloon Cultural District Authority in Hong Kong, responsible for formulating the district’s artistic direction and strategies for Contemporary Performance, Dramatic and Theatre Arts. Earlier roles include Artistic Director and General Manager of the Singapore Arts Festival, Founding Director and General Manager of the Singapore Biennale and Associate Artistic Director of TheatreWorks (Singapore).

Kee Hong also oversees the work of the Creative Engagement programme which brings opportunities for people from all backgrounds, ages and from all corners of the city year-round; the international department collaborating with venues, festivals and other cultural organisations globally, whose financial and creative input helps to make MIF and Factory International projects possible and ensures that work made in Manchester goes on to be seen around the world.

Photo courtesy of the mentor

平台計畫/國際結盟/亞當計畫/2024/Curatoké:表演策展人學院/Mentor_Low Kee Hong

Rucera Seethal, South Africa

Rucera Seethal is artistic director of the multi-disciplinary National Arts Festival, South Africa since 2020. She has been programme manager at the Swiss Arts Council, Pro Helvetia Johannesburg for six years, responsible for the performing arts portfolio across the Southern African region, and for co-developing and co-adjudicating its Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation regional grant programme. Between 2004 and 2011, she was artistic director and production manager at Chimurenga, the award-winning arts, culture and politics magazine. She has sat on several national and international adjudication panels, programme selection teams and webinars. Three current projects include: Listening Bodies, a podcast series on African dance and performance artists, seeking to enable a more sensitive and informed reception to performance productions from Africa and disseminating practice reference to African practitioners; Charter, a values-based framework of collective accountability, transparency and solidarity aimed at creating safer, more enabling conditions for women and LGBTIQ+ people in the South African arts sector; and Portals Next, an open-ended enquiry into transcontinental curation, presentation and making situated in independent artist-led entities. More generally, she is interested in futuring, feminist and funga perspectives, and currently lives in Johannesburg.

Photo (c) Fidel Ntone Edjabe

平台計畫/國際結盟/亞當計畫/2024/Curatoké:表演策展人學院/Mentor_Rucera Seethal © Fidel Ntone Edjabe

River Lin, Taiwan

Working with Live Art, dance, and queer culture, Paris-based Taiwanese artist River Lin is Curator of the Taipei Arts Festival, ADAM, Camping Asia and Curatoké: Performance Curator Academy at the Taipei Performing Arts Center. He is also Co-Curator of the Indonesian Dance Festival, Guest-Curator of the 2025 Biennale de la Danse de Lyon, and Guest Co-Editor for the OnCurating's Special Issue. His artistic work has been presented internationally by Centre Pompidou, Centre National de la Danse, Live Art Prize, M+ Museum, and Taipei Fine Arts Museum among others.

Photo Credit by Taipei Performing Arts Center

平台計畫/國際結盟/亞當計畫/2024/Curator_River Lin (c) Taipei Performing Arts Center