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M(Other)hood: A Collective Lecture 主要圖片

M(Other)hood: A Collective Lecture

2023-08-26 - 2023-08-26

M(Other)hood - unfolds in a non-linear mode of production. It transforms and blends as a generative container when it encounters the public. It takes on different appearances, it appears as a research presentation WITH Motherhood(s) under ADAM 2021 and as something in between exhibition, performance, and public talk M(Other)hood: Camping under Think Bar, Taipei Arts Festival 2022. This time, as a Lecture/Performance in ADAM Kitchen. Taking the site of Motherhood to move research into direct engagement with the world, ongoing research through the practice of Mothering, Mother as the potential of perpetual becoming rather than a qualitative identity. How Mothering is used as a queering processor for Intra-Otherhood.


Scarlet Yu Mei Wah / Concept

Translocals artist. Hong Kong-born, currently lives in Berlin. Her choreography presents in various contexts and forms, navigating the in-betweenness of the political and the poetic of the narrative listening and telling. Taking Autobiography and Memory as a tool to reexamine private/public embodied narration. Using performance as a container for encountering and accompanying Others, focus on the relational and social aspects between human, non-human and things. 

Courtesy of Artist

Tung I-Fen / Concept

Tung performs or makes choreography in various contexts, including dance, theatre, film, contemporary music and technical art, among others, while laying her artistic practices in the agency and intersections of humanity, society and nature. She co-founded“Dance Park”, a peer-to-peer learning platform designed for young dancers and artists in an interdisciplinary context. In recent years, Tung’s also played a curatorial role for performance programs at large-scale public-art festivals and cultural events. Now is Full-time Lecturer in University of Taipei. 

Photo by Kris Kang

Fan, Xiang-Jun / Artistic Collaborator

Dance critic, dance dramaturg, and dance scholar. She works currently as an assistant professor at School of Dance at Taipei National University of the Arts. Her research focuses on bodily practice research, Taiwan contemporary dance history, and dance film. She used to work as a jury member for Taishin Arts Award, a critic at Reviewing Performing Arts Taiwan, and also the co-curator of TANZAOHi International Dance Film Festival Hamburg. She had her dance dramaturg practice at Tanzbüro tandem in Berlin, and Landestheater Linz in Austria. Recent collaborated project – The Eternal Straight Line (2019) and CyborgEros(2023) at Anarchy Dance Theater; MUDRA(2020) by Jasmine Fan at Lichthof Theater Hamburg; A Choreographer: Research Exhibition on Ming-Shen Ku(2022)

Photo by Chen Yan-Hong

M(Other)hood: Camping is initiated and devised by Scarlet Yu Mei Wah in collaboration with Tung I-Fen.

Taipei Performing Arts Center has supported and presented the research progress as part of the ADAM - Asia Discovers Asia Meeting for Contemporary Performance in 2021 and as part of the Think Bar program at the 2022 Taipei Arts Festival.