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2023臺北藝穗節簡章公告|2023 Taipei Fringe Festival Rules and Regulations 主要圖片

2023臺北藝穗節簡章公告|2023 Taipei Fringe Festival Rules and Regulations

2023-01-16 - Invalid Date

臺北表演藝術中心自 2018 年起承辦臺北藝穗節,以自由開放的精神,提供藝術家一個多元、不設限、具實驗性,且能盡情迸發想像力的展演平台。鼓勵創作者勇於冒險,面對挑戰,透過日常生活場域來展演作品,充分展現藝術創作的可能與活力。





電話:02-7756-3800 ext.1211-1213


2023 Taipei Fringe Festival—Rules and Regulations/Timeline

Taipei Fringe Festival, organized by Taipei Performing Arts Center since 2018, provides performing artists with a platform to showcase their experimental and imaginative works. With its free spirit, the festival celebrates artistic innovation, encouraging the artists to challenge themselves and perform in public spaces.

Taipei Fringe Festival, taking place in several districts in Taipei, not only establishes partnership with all types of spaces but also collaborates with grassroots theater groups to bring arts into our daily lives. Artists will have the opportunity to explore their neighborhood while creating the works. With this, more cultural spaces could join in the future, which will enrich lives in these districts and bring in new audiences.

Talent cultivation is an important mission for Taipei Performing Arts Center, and Taipei Fringe Festival could be the place where aspiring young artists emerge. The TFF critics, young critics, and the Fringe Awards are all dedicated to finding promising young talents. Taipei Fringe Festival hopes to grow with the artists and offer them more spaces to perform.


Welcome to join us:

2023 Taipei Fringe Festival Rules and Regulations

2023 Taipei Fringe Festival important timeline


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Taipei Fringe Festival:


Tel:+886-2-7756-3800 ext.1211-1213