Opening hours
- 2024.07.30
- 2023.07.06
- 2025.02.26
- 2025.02.25
- 2025.02.23BYOV (Bring-Your-Own-Venues)Are you eager to attend the Fringe but still looking for a suitable venue?We have another exciting option for you: bring your own venues!BYOV (Bring-Your-Own-Venues) serve as an alternative to Fringe-managed venues. Performers may make inquiries with venues that do not cooperate with TPAC. There are no time-slot regulations for BYOV. Performers are eligible for resources provided by the Taipei Fringe Festival, such as marketing mechanisms and workshops. However, performers are responsible for BYOV rental fees and technical expenses.BYOV Application Period: March 11 to April 2.BYOV Requirements§ The venue must be located within Taipei City.§ Rental fee and technical expenses related to the venue shall be paid by performers.§ The venue must pass a standard fire and safety inspection or provide related documents.§ Each BYOV account must submit a registration fee of NT$500 and a security deposit of NT$3,600.For any further assistance, please send an email to: tff@tpac-taipei.orgMailing Address:Taipei Performing Arts Center, Program Department (Self-Provided Venue Application)No. 1, Jiantan Road, Shilin District, Taipei City 111081, Taiwan
- 2025.02.092025 Taipei Fringe Festival Curator Status ApplicationPerformers are welcome to participate in the Taipei Fringe Festival as curators. Curator accounts are eligible for more Festival resources and privileges, such as a maximum of 10 time-slots and four different venues, as well as no limitations to the number of programs.The Festival offers an array of measures to support curator registrants in successfully presenting their programs. For example, each program is allocated a dedicated section on the TPAC official website and brochure; clearly marked venue booking pages; and a tech rehearsal.Those who wish to register as curators must contact TPAC to discuss their proposals and learn about related issues. TPAC will also provide venue booking suggestions and registration guidance.Registration process for curator participants1. February 11-27: Contact TPAC to schedule a meeting. Contact information: Programming Department Email: Tel: 02-7756-3800 ext.1211(Mon.-Fri. 10:00-18:00)2. March 10: Notification of application results.3. March 11-April 2: Selected applicants must complete online registration, submit the registration fee and security deposits, and book venues and time-slots (first-come, first-served). Other important information Each curator account may book a maximum of 10 time-slots (each time-slot comprises four hours). No more than three time-slots may be selected for a single weekend (i.e., Friday evening, Saturday, Sunday) for each program. Each account may book a maximum of four venues. Each curator registrant must pay a registration fee of NT$1,000, and provide a security deposit of NT$5,000 per venue selected. Each curator registrant shall provide a maximum of four security deposits.See you at the 2025 Taipei Fringe Festival!